
Revelation is unavailable, but you can change that!

The last and most perplexing book of the Bible is explained with exceptional clarity. Ascension Christology is the heart of the prophetic and visionary message, which is the final testimony of Christ to his church until he returns in glory. While the book contains terrifying images of God’s wrath and coming judgment, even more is it a celebration of the saints, both in heaven and on earth, who...

suggests meekness and innocence. However, this is deceptive for its voice is like “the dragon,” that is, it speaks for the dragon of Revelation 12, who is the devil. Victorinus (third century) in his Latin commentary says that this beast from the earth is “a false prophet” (“falsum prophetam”) which “places in the temple of Jerusalem a golden image [idol] of the Antichrist” (“imago aurea Antichristi in templo Hierosolymis ponatur”).50 Oecumenius (sixth century) in his Greek commentary cites 2 Thess
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